Product Description
Dynam Hawker Tempest DY8959
The Dynam Hawker Tempest warbird is beautifully presented and is powered by 14.8V 2200 li-poly battery coupled with a high powered 500KV Brushless Motor. This new Warbird by Dynam is a 5-6 channel R/C aircraft with stunning looks make this super realistic in the air or taxiing on the ground. Months of flight testing and design yield an aircraft that is super stable and capable of maintaining flight at super slow speeds that allow novice to master flight mechanics with ease. This aircraft includes electronic retracts.
Normally we would have have a little on the history of this aircraft but this quote from one pilot on the Hawker Tempest sums it all up.
"Reaching Newchurch airfield at 480 mph I held "RB" down to 20 ft from the runway and then pulled her up to a 60 ° climb holding it as the speed dropped slowly off and the altimeter needle spun round the dial as if it were mad. At 7000 ft the speed was dropping below 180 mph and I rolled the Tempest lazily inverted, then allowed the nose to drop until the horizon, at first above my head, disappeared below (or rather above) the now inverted nose, the fields and woods steadied into the centre of the windscreen and then whirled around as I put the stick hard over and rolled around the vertical dive. Steadying again I pulled out over the tree tops at 500 mph, throttled back and pulled hard over towards the airfield in an over-the-vertical climbing turn, lowering the wheels and flaps in a roll as the speed dropped. What a magnificent aeroplane! They could have all their Spitfires and Mustangs!" ("My part of the sky", Roland Beamont)