Dynam SR-22 is a 1:12 scale of the SR-22, 4 seats Single-Engine composit airplane from 2000. The airplane has a modern and aerodynamic Looks. Dynam SR-22 is constructet by the strang materia EPO that can stand crashes. The model is equiptet by a powerfull brushless motor and 40A ESC to make the airplane powerfull with longer flight-time. The high Aspect-ratio wings makes the airplane very stable with good Glide-ratio. All servoes, receiver, Brushless Motor and ESC are preinstalled from the factory. All you need is to add a receiver and fly your model. The model is suitable for pilots who wants their first Low-Wing trainer to advanced pilots. The building-time is 45min
Item: NO. DY8936
Decription: SR22
Unit Price: (RTF,W/2.4G TX)
(PNP, w/o Tx, Rx, battery and Charger)
Wingspan: 1400mm
Fuselage length: 965mm
Wing loading: 44g/dm²
Flying weight: 880g
Servo: 9g, 6pcs (with flap)
Flap Type: plain flap
Battery: 11.1V 2200mAh 20C Li-Po XT60 Plug
ESC: 30A ESC with 3A BEC
Motor: BM2815A-KV1100 Brushless Outrunner
1) SRTF (Inc. GAVIN-6A TX+RX with 6-Axis Gyro) INCLUDES:
Dynam SR22 1400mm Wingspan RC Scales Plane - (RTF)
Servo: 9g*6pcs
Battery: 11.1V 2200mAh 25C Lipo battery
ESC: 30A ESC with 3A BEC with XT60 connector
Brushless motor: BM2815A-KV1100 Brushless Outrunner
Charger: Balance charger for 2-3 cells
Radio: GAVIN-6A 6CH 2.4G TX (Click for detail)
Receiver: Detrum MSR66A 6-Channel 2.4Ghz Mini Receiver with iStone 6-Axis Gyro/ABS (Click for detail)
Decal set
2) SRTF (Inc. GAVIN-6C TX+RX with 6-Axis Gyro) INCLUDES:
Dynam SR22 1400mm Wingspan RC Scales Plane - (RTF)
Servo: 9g*6pcs
Battery: 11.1V 2200mAh 25C Lipo battery
ESC: 30A ESC with 3A BEC with XT60 connector
Brushless motor: BM2815A-KV1100 Brushless Outrunner
Charger: Balance charger for 2-3 cells
Radio: GAVIN-6C 6CH 2.4G TX (Click for detail)
Receiver: Detrum MSR66A 6-Channel 2.4Ghz Mini Receiver with iStone 6-Axis Gyro/ABS (Click for detail)
Decal set
3) BNP (PNP+2.4G receiver with 6-Axis Gyro w/ABS)
Servo: 9g*6pcs
ESC: 30A ESC with 3A BEC with XT60 connector
Brushless motor: BM2815A-KV1100 Brushless Outrunner
Receiver: Detrum MSR66A 6-Channel 2.4Ghz Mini Receiver with iStone 6-Axis Gyro/ABS (Click for detail)
Decal set
Battery: 11.1V 2200mAh 25C Lipo battery,
Charger: 3S Charger
Required Radio: 6+ Channel 2.4Ghz, Click here check in our radio catelogo
4) SPNP (W/IstoneAll stabalizer)
Servo: 9g*6pcs
ESC: 30A ESC with 3A BEC with XT60 connector
Brushless motor: BM2815A-KV1100 Brushless Outrunner
Decal set
Battery: 11.1V 2200mAh 25C Lipo battery,
Charger: 3S Charger
Required Radio set: 6+ Channel 2.4Ghz , Click here check in our radio catelogo
5) PNP
Servo: 9g*6pcs
ESC: 30A ESC with 3A BEC with XT60 connector
Brushless motor: BM2815A-KV1100 Brushless Outrunner
Decal set
Battery: 11.1V 2200mAh 25C Lipo battery,
Charger: 3S Charger
Required Radio set: 6+ Channel 2.4Ghz , Click here check in our radio catelogo