About Us
MonkeyHobby.com is setup by a group of RC Hobby lovers who been to the Hobby business for more than 10 years, and we only sell products that we are happy with. Most of the products we are selling are tested and reviewed by our professional team to make sure our customers happy when they receive our products.
MonkeyHobby.com team aim to provide the best value, and quality products to global Hobby lovers.
Customer service always on the first priority.
Customer happy or not is the only way to meausre perfermance of the works we done.
Best prices are garanteed by having best costing control, by bring products direct from factory to users.
stocks a large range of hobby products and parts, everything from electric radio control airplanes/ helicopters to Scale Nitro Cars/ tanks / boats. The website is user friendly and has everything hobby enthusiastic could want. So log yourself in and have fun searching through the various products or come see us in store.
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